The Brazilian Proteomics Society (BrProt) is pleased to announce that the 4th edition of the webinar series "My Friend is MASSA" is now open for registration. The event will occur weekly (on Tuesdays) between September 20 and October 25 (2022) at 5 pm (BRT).

The event is programmed to hold two special students' sessions, where six students will be selected for oral presentations on the 4th and 11th of October. All the selected works will be awarded, and the best student's presentation will receive a special prize.

Each student will have 15 minutes of presentation followed by 5 minutes of Q&A.

The selected works will be disclosed on September 19.

The deadline for registration and abstract submission is September 16. Save the date and join us in this great online event about mass spectrometry and proteomics.

To register (free of charge) and submit your abstract, please fill out the form by clicking on the following link:


The "My friend is MASSA" (MFIM) is an online and registration-free BrProt event dedicated to Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry. The 4th edition of the MFIM  will be hosted by two Brazillian scientists: Dr. Graziella Ronsein and DrMarcella Melo-Braga. This year the event will bring exciting webinars of notable proteomics researchers and two special students' sessions. The best students' presentations will be selected to receive a talk award.

BrProt and NPF UFMG YouTube Chanel will transmit the event. Check out the scientific program on these YouTube channels and the Instagram page @npf.ufmg.